Helloooooo, so now that I have some freetime (well I always have freetime... XD) I decided to do write a blog update. So what's been happening lately? Well you'll get the basic idea if you read the title of this update. :D So I'll be telling you a bit about the Disneyland trip with friends, a bit about the beginning of our nightmare with Silja (another Finnish exchange student), and *tididididii* the creatures of the world that have been tormenting me during nighttime when I try to relax... :D
So on the 28th (Wednesday) of July I went to Disneyland with two other exchange students Silja (Finnish) and Albert (Austria), plus two Japanese girls named Manami (Silja's host sister) and Naoka (another Finnish person's host sister, however the Finnish exchange student didn't come to Disneyland with us).

We met 8:30am at JR Maihama station which is right next to Disneyland. Yeah 8:30am... You can guess how hard it was for me to wake up... XD And during that night I slept for like less than 3 hours. However, I didn't feel that tired when we were having fun at Disneyland. Well, first we had to take this Disneyland monorail, because Disneyland is just a really big place with different sections. Our destination was Disney Sea, which is a huge theme park and more for adult's taste, when normal Disneyland is not the same kind of a theme park, it actually focuses more on the Disney characters etc. Or that's what I heard. :D So the first thing we saw when we first entered to Disney Sea was a huge Earth as a fountain, that you can see in the picture on the right. :P Hmm, I guess I shouldn't talk about this Disneyland in so much detail, because I was there for like 10 hours so this update would become too long and you would run out of popcorn when readin' this. 8(
I know! It might be better if I just posted a "mountain" of pictures for you to look at and maybe tell you something about them. ;) Yes, that's what I'll do (notice how unplanned my blog updates are. ::D)!!

Yes, be very afraid in front of my skills of using blog... ::D Yeah, well I am not a genius with computers so I just put the pictures like that, but I kinda like the way they are arranged. 8) Buuuuuut anyways, Disney Sea was really cool and sometimes it felt more like Star Wars -world than Disney world... :D Like notice the picture just above with all the blue lights and the night sky. And OMGGGG!!! That McDuck's logo was so cool!!! And of course I had to take a picture of it.
Guilty as charged |
Okay, now you have seen what Disney Sea is like (yay!), and now it's time to move to more serious matters, lol. You, who are reading my blog out there, probably read about my spinoff story of not eating anything that is sweet (except fruits, and a bit of fruit juice). So we are still continuing it (of course!), and I am going to try to make a change in my lifestyle with this whole thing. So, the place where we were when we decided this whole thing was in a DOUGHNUT STORE!! XDD Ah, Krispy Kreme, how I miss you. The doughnuts over there were so good and they were handing out free, just baked, warm and sugar coated doughnuts to customers. Yes, they tasted heavenly. ::D Then I bought a banana filled doughnut called "Pure Banana" and umm... YUM!!!! Silja was eating it too, and I guess I ate a smaller part of it than Silja, though I bought the whole thing by myself. 8< Well, after sitting there for a while, people came to sit down with their trays filled with doughnuts. ::D This one young lady had like three or four doughnuts on her tray and we were like "WTFFFFF?!?!?" and she ate them all... And she was thin.. Sometimes I wonder what's going on inside Japanese people's minds, because it seemed like it would be the only thing she ate on that day... Then Silja went and bought a doughnut that we would eat together, 50-50. That's when we started to talk about things, and decided that we have to end this kind of thing and decided to make the promise of not eating anything sweet for a while. Well, I am gonna continue this for a while, because I really want to get rid of this way of thinking about sweet stuff all the time. ::D You know, the first days were really hard, because all I was thinking was some really yummy chocolate, cream puffs and pastries. But it's not that bad anymore. Though, I am glad we eat fruits everyday in my current host-family. That has helped a lot!
Look at that yummy goodness.. |
So I am on my way to a healthier lifestyle and I wish I had club activities, but I don't have, because I am not a student of Shibumaku anymore. So I am really waiting to go to my school in Sendai, to get to know new people and start club activities! Btw, I here's the website of my next school: http://www.seibun.ed.jp/ . My next school seems really nice, waiting for it. :-)
And now the last subject, bugs. I'm not really complaining, but these bugs have been giving me a hard time, 'cause I have to go get the poison spray everytime I see a mosquito enjoying its' flight in my room. And when I finally get the poison, I can't find it anymore. "Why don't you just squish them?" Well, I would and I do that sometimes, but they are
fast. 8( So it's easier to kill them with a poison spray from far away. Anywayyyyys, I wasn't supposed to start complaining about mosquitoes, but COCKROACHES!! Well, a cockroach. :D In my 3rd host-family I would see cockroaches everyday. Usually during the nighttime if I went downstairs. And oh boy, it meant death for the poor roach when I saw one. I grabbed the poison spray and killed them. Anyways, cockroaches
are still disgusting... Especially the ones who are big enough that have hairy legs... :S During this week, I saw one. When I went to the toilet I opened the door and there, in the wall, there was a cute little cockroach, right next to my face. As a reaction I made a loudish noise, BUT I DID NOT SCREAM! :D Glad, it wasn't loud enough to wake up my hosts. So, what I did was take the poison spray from the living room and start the roach hunting. I didn't see it in a while when I searched for it in the small toilet. Then I went to do a checking from the hallway if it was there,

and that's when I returned to toilet's door and saw a figure of a cockroach running to a little closet. I spread the poison and when it ran out and climbed on the wall I sprayed some more so that it fall to the floor. Sprayed more and more, 'cause it was a big one (at least in my opinion). And I was really surprised, because it didn't die fast... And don't come complaining to me how I made it suffer... I would have killed it right away, if I knew that the poison I used was meant for smaller bugs and that there was a cockroach poison too... And secondly, I couldn't crush it, I just can't do things like that. I don't want to feel it becoming mashed or hear it... I could even hear it when it moved its' hairy legs... :SS Anyways, I survived as the winner and I might have gotten a little bit tougher mentally (lol) in the eternal war against cockroaches.
And that's about it dear readers. Hope you enjoyed it, though it ended up being a rather long. I am going to a resort place called Karuizawa tomorrow, and I might not take my laptop with me, even though I want to listen to music, so don't be expecting any updates at least in a week (I know you won't XDD). But anywayyyyyys, byeeeeeee!!