WARNING!! This update is extremely long so prepare yourself with something to eat to get the maximal enjoyment out of this update! ;)
A lot has happened. But I am only gonna write a short post about the last days of my staying in Chiba prefecture. So, I went to Karuizawa with my previous host-family and their children and grandchildren. To describe the vacation I would say fake cottages, Finnish like nature, expensive restaurants etc. Yeah, I did not like the trip too much, because it was like it was trying to approach the feeling of living in a cottage, but they just looked copies to me and it was kind of sad. The place was kind of boring too, there wasn't really anything to do except walk or play golf (which I did not do, 'cause I have never played golf :P), or do some shopping at the nearest malls. Well even those were outlets (nothing wrong with outlets, but the brands just sucked). We were there for a week... And I survived it! I don't know how, but I survived. And I am not unthankful, but I just didn't like the whole place, that's all. Except, it was great to see another side of Japan.
Having fun at Tokyo |
So after the "vacation" I had only one week left at Chiba. So what did I do? I tried to meet friends (ended up meeting an exchange-student and a friend from my previous school). We did the normal (but extremely funny) stuff with the exchange students. We hanged out at Tokyo (Shibuya, DUH), took purikura etc. AND!!! Went to FINLAND CAFE!!!! It was a really cool place as it had Finnish design stuff, Finnish interia etc. And a video playing on a wall about Kamppi etc. It was expensive but the stuff was quite yummy too. ::D Now that I wrote this all, it's really strange to think that we will not most probably see for another 4 months. O_O Well, time flies fast, 'cause in eleven days I have been in Japan for 6 months, half a year, that is!!!
I also saw my friend, Kumi, who's a student of Shibumaku (the previous school). We went to Lalaport to hang out, eat, take purikura (sadly, we don't know the reason, but we couldn't download the purikura pictures 8<). So basically, nothing special, but like always, it was really fun to hang out with her. I miss her now. 8(( Besided that, I was still having "not-eating-anything-sweet-except-fruits" -diet going on, which was a pain in the *ss, because she bought this really yummy looking ice cream. D888888 Honestly, they put crushed banana, poured chocolate sauce on the ice cream and mixed the whole thing with iron spatulas and then put it on to the ice cream waffle cup. Damn it, it looked good. ::D But really, we were still supposed to see, but we didn't have time in the end. :(( We don't even know when we can see again, it might be in a year, in ten years or in 20 years, who knows... 8(( Okay, earlier than in ten years, that I can promise. ::D DID YOU READ THAT KUMI?!?! ;)
The place where we were looking at the fireworks |
I also did some last shopping in Tokyo, but I didn't find anything else than a scarf. :D I was supposed to go to this one Super Lovers store at a shopping mall called Laforet, but of course it was having a renovation going on, ON THE DAY THAT WAS GOING TO BE MY LAST SHOPPING DAY IN TOKYO!! That's just my typical luck... Anyways, it was also the last time that I went to Sexpot Revenge (it's a cloth shop :P), to look if I could find something from there, and of course, talk with the seller, 'cause he's really chill and it's always nice to talk with him. :D Of course, all in Japanese. ;P
I also went to watch the fireworks to my previous family's host-dad's working place. It was in the heart of Shinjuku and we watched the fireworks from the 50th floor with his other workmates. I even saw little bit of a Johhny's group's gig, 'cause they had binoculars over there so they said to look with those to see the gig. And I did. :::D Hmm, it gave me the chills of being a stalker or something. XDD Anyways, the fireworking was done quite far away, so the fireworks weren't that big (because we were far away :D), but it was also funny to look at the fireworks from above. XDD That's something you can't do everyday and it was really cool.
A place near the house I am staying at |
So the last day in Chiba was mainly packing. Nothing else. So nothing special to write about that day.
21.8. was the day of moving to Sendai. I was excited, but also had my stomach full of butterflies. ::D Well the day also had its' negative side, because of this one person (but I am not gonna say who, just in case XD), but anyways, that person again made me feel really bad by mocking my Japanese, looking at me disgusted, telling me to take my piercings off (and not even giving me a proper reason as to why take the piercings off...). That's one person I hate besides those other few people in this country.
Anyways, we went to Sendai by a 新幹線 (= a bullet-train). Now I have rode a bullet-train for four times. :D It's kind of cool. :P However, we arrived to Sendai and I met my host-family. I like my host-family, everyone are nice to me and feels like a real family, which is a feeling I haven't had since my first host-family, so I am really glad about this host-family.
Near Sendai station |
I really like Sendai, and even the first meal that I ate over here was one of Sendai's specialities, cow's tongue, which is actually REALLY good!! Sadly, people don't eat it in Finland. :P Not to get off-topic I should probably tell you what Sendai is like. Well, I love Sendai. It's not as big as Tokyo, but I really like the streets and the spirit that Sendai has. :D So I am not really sure which one I like better, Tokyo or Sendai. I can't deny the love I have for Shibuya and Harajuku or Ikebukuro (where I only went once, and I don't know why I didn't go more than that 8<).
I have been enjoying my life over here, and I have been even thinking that I might as well do the university studies over here in Sendai, if I learn Japanese well enough in these coming three years. Yeah, that's how much I like Sendai.
I have also done things over here that I have not done anywhere else, prepare yourselves.... I... went... to... a... SOCCER MATCH!! D888 Well, my host-mom (who's a soccer fan, AND a Korean drama fan), asked me if I wanted to go see a soccer match and I was like "Sure, why not.", so we went. :D I was positively surprised, because of the cheering Japanese people do. ::D My throat hurt after the game. 8<< Because we had to cheer all the time. XDD Oh dear. But it was totally worth it. :D
Classmates + me (making a weird pose) |
My school also started, and to be honest, this school is more of my style. :P Sorry shibumakus, but that's just the cold truth. ::D The people are more of my style, they have piercings, we can make joke about things, we just have more in common. :P And the best thing, they don't stress too much studying which is just perfect for me, 'cause I don't want to stress about studying over here, because when I get back to Finland I know IB's gonna make me really busy. And of, I am now studying on the second year high school (my class is called F2-8). The people in my class are really nice. I think I get nicely along with them. :D And to be honest, this school resembles a bit of my high school in Finland (which is actually a good thing ;D). Really looking forward for these 3½ months in Seibun (my current school!
Some of the teachers doing crossdressing |
On this last weekend (4.-5.9.) we had 文化祭 (= bunkasai, which means a cultural festival that is held in every school all over Japan, usually at autumn). The first day was kind of boring, because we just looked at performances for like 6 hours, well there were some really good performances, but what made it boring was that there were lots of performances, that were just plainly boring and sometimes we couldn't hear anything, not the sounds of the instruments or the singing). But of course, there are always some diamonds, like a group called 白-A (Shiro-A), which is a performance group playing trance music. Their performances were really cool and basically everyone liked them. Then there were other gemstones like the dancing performed by school's dancing club. And I am not talking about ballet or something like that but street dancing, breakdancing etc. Really, some of the students honestly have talent in dancing!! We also had a crossdressing contest, that got a bit boring after a while, but on Sunday, some of the teachers (mostly male teachers) also participated and dressed as women, it was really cool and surprising that Japanese school teachers would do something like that!! XD
Who doesn't belong to the group? XDDD |
So, the teachers crossdressing was one of the last things on Sunday, but before that was the main event of bunkasai. All the classes doing their own things, for example my class sold からあげ (= kara-age, Japanese fried chicken), there were lots of food tents, a couple classes sold
かき氷 (= kakigoori, shaved ice with some flavor syrup poured over it, really yummy during hot summer days!!!), some other classes sold
焼き鳥 (= yakitori, Japanese skewered chicken) etc. IT WAS REALLY FUN!!! I mostly handed out kara-age flyers, which was actually quite fun. Ate lots of food, enjoyed the whole thing and got sunburnt. D88 I also met some really interesting and cool people, including yankees, gyarus, and of course other students. I have noticed that I am especially popular among yankee people. :::D Anyways, I really loved bunkasai and I was really tired when I got home, so I went to sleep at 10pm and wake up around 12:30pm, so I slept for about 14½ hours, whoops. :::D I still got a holiday tomorrow (because of bunkasai), and I am most probs gonna go to Sendai again, 'cause I have a couple of places that I want to check out.
But I guess this is my update this time, 'cause now I have basically told you everything about the stuff that has happened since my last update. And yeahhhh. I do apologize that it has been almost a month (tomorrow would be a month since the last update ::::D) since my last update. :P But anyways, hope you enjoyed reading this one. ;P Byeeeeee!! <3