Hello people, as the title suggests I'm having a two days vacation, 'cause of the test week ending so we will have this vacation for relaxation. It started quite well, as I slept for about 12 hours and woke up during noon. :D Haven't done anything, just eaten and lagging around Facebook. :P The weather is really nice though, and it's actually a bit hot over here. Thought I could go take some pictures of the fall in Hiyoshidai (the village, where I am living), but the leaves aren't really that yellow yet. 8<
School's fine, though it's a bit difficult for me to make some friends over here. Not sure about the reasons, but I have some possible reasons on my mind. :P Well, anyways I am quite sure I will be able to get some friends after a while. Or, I don't know how other exchange students classify the term "friend", but for me, it's quite personal (did that make any sense?!? XD).
Anyways, at my school we have the school trip on November and guess where I am going to....!! *tidididididididididididii* OKINAWA!!! Yes, I am going to Okinawa. And what kind of images do we get inside our minds when we think about Okinawa? Palm trees, beaches, sky-blue water... YES!! And no, I don't exactly love beaches, but I love to take pictures... XDD I'm so waiting for that trip. @__@ Well, I gotta thank my parents for making that school trip possible for me, especially since my mom has always wanted to go to Okinawa. ::D
Another thing you might be interested in is school fashion. I started studying at a new school, so of course the school uniform is also different. Well, my school uniform is not the 100% the same one as other students', 'cause for certain reasons we have bought similar clothes to replace the school uniform clothes, though my exchange-company would have paid for the original pieces too. >___> Well at least the neck tie and the emblem are the same ones. XD Anyways, here's a picture of me wearing my school uniform:

I think I like my current "school uniform" better than the previous one. I did not like the pants. ::D Oh, and yays for the polar bear plastic bag, it's just too random. XD
Last but not the least, I am going to take part in kanji kentei (a kanji test, what Japanese people usually take) lvl 4, 10 being the easiest and 1 being the hardest (only politicians usually take lvl 1, because you have to know around 6000 kanjis, be able to tell the difference between old and new kanjis etc.). So what does lvl 4 require then? I have to be able to read about 1300 kanjis, and write around 900 kanjis... Well at least, I am going to a have a "bit" of a challenge for myself. ::D Level 4 is usually completed by junior high 2nd or 3rd year students so if I pass that test, I guess I should be happy with myself. 8D
Oh, Anna told me to write to my next post that I miss her. Who's Anna? Anna is a really really good friend of mine. :D I miss you <3 And if you're interested here's a link to her blog: http://hhmas.blogspot.com/
Bye bye!
Prince from Japan <3