Soooooo, on Monday we went to play tennis with otou-san. I had put in my YFU-documents that I like to play tennis, which is true, but I'm not really good. And I got a little bit scared when I heard it was going to be a tournament, 'cause the last time I played tennis was about 1,5 years ago... XDD At least we had time to practice, because honestly, I really sucked (I still do) but it helped a lot that we had time to practice and during the games I got a little bit better too. Still we lost all the games! XDDD BUT at least we had lots of fun and everyone were nice. I also got hit into the back of my head by a tennis ball.. It kinda hurt the whole day, and I am not really sure if it was the cause of the worst headache of my life so far, because I woke up the next night to this huuuuuge headache and it hurt so much and I had the painkillers downstairs so I didn't want to go down incase I would wake someone. Still after suffering for a while I went to get the medicines and *tididididididii* it helped and I fell asleep. :D
OH!!! After the tennis tournament we went to another Chinese restaurant with okaa-san, otou-san and ojii-san (grandpa). This was the first time I met ojii-san and he was very talkative, nice, funny and not very elderlike person. :D I like him a lot, and he said I am kawaii (=cute), which was then corrected to kakkoii (=cool). ::::D He too, was a doctor (have I told you that both my okaa-san and otou-san are doctors, my other onee-san (big sister) is studying in
On Tuesday I went to Shibuya, Tokyo, all alone. It was really easy to go there and I only had to change the metro line once. It wasn't the greatest weather but still, it was really nice being there all alone doing what you want. At first I had in my mind to go to HMV (which is like a huge cd/dvd shop in the centre of Shibuya), but then I got kinda lost (and bought two taiyakis, custard and caramel, but eaten in a row is a little bit too much for me... ::D) and wandered on the streets of Shibuya for a while until I found myself again in the heart of Shibuya, by one of the world's most famous crossings.
Finding myself again near the crossing I decided to take another route and yeah, this time I found the store. I was searching for LM.C's "WONDERFUL WONDERHOLIC" and while searching for it I noticed something...... A WONKA CHOCOLATE BAR!!! I was so excited, because I can remember thinking how it would taste like when I saw the movie... XDDD So at first I went to find the cd, well actually cds, 'cause I also bought Miyavi's "AZN PRIDE THIS IZ THE JAPANESE KABUKI ROCK". Then I dashed to the cashier and grabbed the Wonka chocolate bar with me without even looking at the price, it actually turned out to be quite expensive, because I noticed over here at the house that it actually costed over 5 euros, oops..... :D But it was something that you must buy if you ever see a thing like that.
After spending too much money on two cds (cds over here a little bit more expensive) and a Wonka chocolate bar I decided to just walk around and go to any inter
Yesterday... What did I do yesterday? Can't remember properly... D888 OH!! Yesterday we were supposed to go to a temple, but it was raining so we didn't go. Instead, I slept late and got a new futon (yay!). Nothing special really happened, went to a store with okaa-san. It was a nice, normal daily life.
Today (aaaargh now I have to say that I'm already trying to think the words in Japanese XDD) the raining continued, so I didn't leave the house at all. Instead, I just ate and tried to watch a movie. In the morning I met Aya, my other host-sister. And also her friend, we ate pizza and snacks, drank some really good ginger milk tea, and I fed them salmiakki!! Okaa-san is the only who liked salmiakki and turkinpippuri. ::D And about the topic of this post... Today was the second try I tried to watch 20th Century Boys, but it kind of failed, 'cause I fell asleep on the sofa while the movie was playing... XDDD I'm probably going to buy PS3 tomorrow or on Saturday!! I really want to play Final Fantasy XIII!!!!
But now I think I'll head soon to the shower and ofuro. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!