So today I woke up at 9 a.m. (actually I got out of the bed at around 9.30) and with a little bit of nervousness went to the downstairs and said good morning to my otou-san and okaa-san (I'll be using the terms otou-san = host-father, okaa-san = host-mother). Drank some water and found out that we will be eating lunch in a restaurant in central Tokyo (yay!).
Some time later we went to Tokyo by a train to this Chinese restaurant that was right next to Chiyoda ward (or I dunno if it is a ward, but whateveeeer...). So there we were and I was like "yay, food!!". At first we got these appetizers like pork, chicken, something clamlike and *tittitititittititiididididiii* JELLYFISH!!! The jellyfish looked a little bit like noodles and was crunchy and yellowish, I liked it a lot. Then I found out that we were going to eat shark fin as a part of the lunch. I think it was the second dish, well whatever, there it was. Being on that deep plate, just a little bit suspicious looking in that sauce. I was a little bit afraid and slowly but surely I took a piece of it and tasted it... AND it was actually good!!!! I actually became a little bit more of a friend of seafood after those ten plates we ate, because in a lot of them, seafood was included.
After the delicious lunch we decided to walk around in Tokyo a little bit. We walked in Chiyoda and sometimes it was terribly silent, until... UNTIL this car was driving in the streets and shouting something about the democracy of Japan, mocking it and that kind of stuff. It was quite interesting and I have a recording of that in my phone (hopefully I'll put it on Facebook someday).
From Chiyoda we walked to Tokyo Railway Station through all the skyscrapers and shops. The weather was really nice and warm, I think it was about +20 celsius degrees or something like that. So from Tokyo Railway Station we got into an express train to Narita Airport and got out in Ichikawa Station and then went to another train and got out at the next stop. At last, even though it was fun and really nice we arrived home, my legs were killing me.
In the evening we went by a car to a couple of shops to buy... *tidididididii* DOG FOOD!! Yes, we have a dog here, but it's not allowed inside the house. 8( The name of the dog is Chibli, if I remember correctly... And after that we went to eat dinner to a soba restaurant! I ate warm soba and tempura (yummyyyyy!!) and again, I didn't have to pay... I WOULD HAVE PAID IF THEY HAD ALLOWED ME TO!! But no is a no. So after eating we came back to the house and ate some fruits, ice cream (well I was the only one who ate ice cream, because otou-san handed me one XDDD) and something custard/jelly like thingy. After that I found out that on Tuesday I could go to for example Shibuya and Akihabara all by myself when they are working (WOOHOO!!!!!! This is just like a dream to go to Shibuya all by myself and do anything I want to!!!). It was a little bit of a surprise, but definitely a positive one. Oh, one last thing: tomorrow I am going to go play tennis with my otou-san. :D And now I am going to go to bed, and as my okaa-san said, this day was definitely 食べるの日 (eating day). Byeeeee!!!
P.S. We have this clock here that makes sound every 15 or 30 minutes and sometimes I get really scared, because of it... XDDD
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