So, what have I been doing during this last month? The thing is, I can't remember too well. Some major things are that I changed host-families. I moved from Takahashi's family to Takagi's family. I live in a whole different city inside Chiba. This city's called Kashiwa, and I think my school trip takes now two times as much of time as it took when I was still living in Ichikawa city. This family doesn't have any children living at home anymore and the parents are like 60- and 64-years old. In all honesty, I liked my previous host-family a lot more. Every day I joked with them and we t
BUT NOW SOMETHING POSITIVE!! We had Golden week like 3 weeks ago!! We went to karaoke with classmates and I really sucked, so that's why I've been going to karaoke alone to do some practice so that I definitely can sing properly the next time. ;) But yeah, I have become a really big karaoke fan, and probs gonna go to karaoke tomorrow again. :D I went to karaoke two times last week. Or three times? Can't remember... :D I am already thinking about what I'm gonna do in Finland, 'cause Singstar can't even be compared to Japan's karaoke. However, my previous host-family's mum said that they actually sell those karaoke machines. So I thought, that maybe I should buy one in the end of my exchange year if it's not too expensive. ;D And atm you might be thinking something like how I can afford to karaoke like almost everyday, but it's REALLY CHEAP!! One hour costs about 180yen (which is about 1,5€) for a high school student and the price includes limitless amount of drinks (different kind of juices, tea and water).

I also went to Kichijouji and had lots of fun with Joonas, Julia and Silja. We went to this all-you-can-eat place and ate too much. XDD I came out as 3rd while Julia won the whole damn thing. ::D Well, it was kind of an unofficial battle. :P And of course we had to go to purikura, take boats and row around a pond, and the last thing we did was that we went to karaoke. However, Jonas had already left as he lives so far away. 8// OH, AND I ALSO ATE A GRASSHOPPER!! Well, I had two, but I dropped the first one when I was putting it into my mouth and it just felt wrong so I just accidentally dropped it.... :::D But then I just gathered the courage and put the second one in my mouth. And it actually tasted good!! Well, sugar, and soy. XDD It was really crunchy and I was afraid it would have some liquid inside, but gladly it didn't. :D
Well, what else? I don't really have anything else to tell, if I remember something I'll make another update! ;D EXCEPT!!! I have fallen in love with Starbucks' Maccha cream frapuccino, 'cause it just is pure HEAVEN!!! Honestly, if you ever end up in Japan, you really have to taste it!! But now I'm gonna start reading Kuroshitsuji (in Japanese ;D), and probably gonna go to Tokyo tomorrow to do some shopping, 'cause we have test week now and my next tests are on Friday, so I have free until then. <3 See yaaaa!!
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